Fight Away the Winter Blues – Organic Style!

Hello, there beauty lovers. The cold harsh winter is upon us again and we all love to snuggle up in our favorite blankets with our favorite shows and ride out this dry, dreary season. The winter can be extremely harsh on our skin. The cold, smog-filled air robs us of our natural skin moisture and as a result, our skin is dry, itchy, and dull. Cases of eczema and psoriasis are also not new to the cold winds of winter. That is precisely why you need to take extra care of your skin in winter. We here at Le Pur Organic’s thought that we could compile a list of tips that you could follow to keep your skin young, fresh, and hydrated in the winters.

  1. Lukewarm water

Drink lukewarm water, bathe in lukewarm water, wash your face with lukewarm water. Lukewarm water is your friend. Trust us on this! We know the temptation for hot showers in this chilling cold, but hot shows are likely to dry the skin – leading up to cracks in the skin and even winter eczema.

We recommend taking lukewarm showers and following that up with our special Sérum De C– hyaluronic acid and a nice moisturizer such as Crème De C. Not only will this nourish your skin, but it will also protect against skin darkening! You can also opt for the Jar of Gentleness if you want to lock that moisture in!

Find out more about Le Pur Organic’s face care products.

  1. Use a gentle exfoliator

Exfoliating the skin helps get rid of dead skin cells and helps with those stubborn whiteheads and blackheads. However, this is tricky when it comes to dry and cold weather because our skin barriers are already compromised. We all need an exfoliator that is not too cruel to the skin and helps with skin regeneration.

So what do we recommend? Well, our Konjac Sponge of course. Le Pur organic’s konjac sponges are full of natural goodness and are ideal for daily exfoliating. No need for harsh scrubs to get the impurities, stubborn blackheads, or whiteheads out! Just gently exfoliate away with our extremely gentle sponges! Your skin will start glowing! Konjac sponges can be used all over your body!

Le Pur Organic’s variety of konjac sponges
  1. Look after your feet.

Do not forget your feet. Winters are rough and feet tend to suffer the most as we all neglect them. You can develop dry, cracked heels and even stinky feet if you keep them in the socks for too long. Your feet tend to suffer the most. If you don’t regularly change your socks, your feet are prone to housing bacteria and foot fungus (YIKES).

How to counter this you ask?

Heelo balm is infused with a magical blend of herbs, essential oils, and organic antibacterial and antiseptic agents that will not only give you super soft Cinderella feet but also restore the natural pinkish color of your feet. Heelo relaxes the feet muscles due to its carefully designed tonality thus calms tired feet in an instant. It also the perfect solution for smelly feet, feet bacteria, foot fungus, and dry, darkened heels! The smooth application of this stick is because of the soft-touch 100% organic beeswax presence. Hence, it has a soft texture that may vary according to temperature change.

The Heelo Balm
  1. Do not forget your lips!

Winters and cold atmosphere dries up everyone’s lips. And we all can agree chapped lips are not only a visual nightmare, they really hurt! Winters increase the likelihood of chapped lips as our lips do not have any oil glands. As a result, they are exposed to harsh environmental elements more often.

Now to fight chapped lips, Le Pur Organics offers a wide range of care material – all completely natural and handmade of course! We have lip masks, lip scrubs, lip balms – basically an entire lip care routine that will ensure that your lips are hydrated and conditioned. You will have soft, pink, and silky smooth lips throughout all seasons!

Lip care by Le Pur Organics

Find out more about Le Pur Organic’s lip care products.

The winters are no friend of the skin. The oil and sweat glands of our body along with our blood vessels are, unfortunately, constricted in this season making it hard for the skin to keep itself healthy. That is why it needs more attention and care. A good organic skincare routine can shave years off your skin, making it glow naturally, stay hydrated and young. These tips are super easy to follow and these products are perfect for a regular skincare routine. – If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us.

You can also join our all-female Facebook group for direct contact with the founder of Le Pur Organics! Stay tuned for more on skincare!

Fight Dry Skin – Winter Edition

Comments (2)

  1. Syeda Hamda Raheel

    Must to read, highly informative.

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